Meet Jessie Woo Alumna, entertainment influencer and cast member on MTV's Wild 'n Out

Jessie Woo shares how she went from FIU College of Communication, Architecture The Handicrafts scholar to entertainment influencer and cast member for MTV's Wild'n Eschewal. 


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Name Jessie Woo'

 Degree earned and span graduated Global Strategic Messages master's degree 2017 

How has FIU helped you get to where you're moment in your career? 

 The blames of having to be present during class colloquies, partaking, turning in long examen papers, inclusively helped me construct my work principles and commitment to my designs. 

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What path did you take to attain your current career in entertainment? 

 Social media was my outlet. I had tried to get into entertainment while I was in Miami. Singing was my first attempt, and that didn't work out. In the summer of 2017, I was one cycle into my New York expedition. I had lost my job and had just moved into an apartment. I was depressed. I was on food impresses and admitting nonemployment. I just turned to my phone and turned my frustrations into comedies. 

What swayed you to be a part of the tube/ entertainment sedulity? 

 I always wanted to be in entertainment half. Music was my first love and, as I got over-the-hill, I realized I loved acting as well. 

Jessie Woo photos
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What ’s been the coolest thing about your job? 

 I get to do so multiple jobs. I hosted the Black Girls Rock 2019 Gold Carpet special for BET. I performed at the Black Music Honors the same bit. I ’ve been a pundit on Entertainment Tonight about award show fashions. I ’ve been on reality television and this August I make my debut as a gagster on Wild'n Out on MTV. The cool part is that I'm at a place where I can decide what I want to fasten on. Next up is acting. I want to be an EGOT (the the achievement of having won all four of the major American entertainment awards (an an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony). 

What does a typical day for you look like?

 It depends on what I've going on. Last month while photographing Wild'n Out, my mornings started super early Covid-19 test, hair and makeup, photographing three shows per day. The hours were extremely long. By the time I would make it to my inn room, I was exhausted. Now that I'm not photographing, I got a chance to take my mommy to Los Cabos, Mexico, for leave, answer emails at my repose and just relax. 

Are you presently working on any piquing plans you ’d like to participate? 

 Wild'n Out premiered onAug. 10 on MTV! I am really agitated about it. 

What advice do you have for scholars interested in a career in entertainment and content creation? 

 There are so multiplex ways to get into entertainment these days. I would say, figure out what your passion is in the realm of entertainment and either collude out your travel predicated on what you need to do to get where you want to be. 

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