Such dangerous robots that are with the armies of other countries

These are some of the robots that are currently being used by the army of other countries. Just imagine, if these robots are used for terrorism, what will happen?

These are the things that are included in the military, but are used in the privacy of the arms that are designed to help people in this dangerous world.

Want to know about the dangerous robots that are with the armies of other countries? Here are five scary robot soldiers that are in the army of other 

Here we'll discuss the world's only armed unmanned aerial vehicle, and we will share with you the latest news and we will tell you the experience of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. The US Army has been fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, and it has been fighting in various other places in the world, and the number of unmanned aerial vehicles is constantly growing, and the number of unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with precision guided munitions is constantly growing, the US army has recently released the MQ-1C Grey Eagle, which is the first fighter armed unmanned aerial vehicle in the world.

1.Robo bees

dangerous robots
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Scientists have just recently made an invention that has taken the world by storm. Researchers at the Harvard University have just created a bee robot called RoboBees 1.0.

credit: third party image reference

These bees can be controlled by remote control and were made to get into dangerous situations such as wildfire situations and search and rescue operations.


dangerous robots
credit: third party image reference

The Guardbot is a new generation military robot designed for surveillance and reconnaissance, it is has the ability to be controlled by satellite or by remote, it is also one of the fastest robots in the world.

The Guardbot robot was specially designed for the Mars mission, it can run at a speed of 9 miles per hour on any surface, even in water it can run at a speed of 3 miles per hour, it is one of the military's It is a robot that is used for surveillance, it can be controlled by remote or satellite.

3. Robot stingrays

dangerous robots
credit: third party image reference

Today, the military industrial complex is worried about the future of warfare. The military industrial complex is worried about the high-tech revolution in the world of the military. In this connection, an underwater robot is being developed. This robot is capable of penetrating the water at a speed of 6 miles per hour. This robot will easily infiltrate without being noticed by an enemy.

4.MQ predator

dangerous robots
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A new generation of "Made in America" unmanned aircraft has been designed for use in the United States. The drone was developed by the San Diego, California, company Kratos Unmanned Aircraft Systems and is capable of flying without human intervention. It is equipped with an AGM 114 C hellfire antitank missile load.

 5. Dogo 


dangerous robotscredit: third party image reference

This robot has 6 cameras so that it can be monitored all around, they can be infiltrated anywhere, it can be controlled with a remote control This small robot also has a Glock 26 pistol and it can fire 14 rounds of cube. You can do accurate firing with the help of the laser in the robot, dogo can fire 5 rounds in 2 seconds.

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