University of Michigan Survey: 33 % of 7 to 9 year olds kids on social media, 40% of parents can't monitoring

40% of parents can not monitor the social media activities of their children: Study

More than a third of 7- to 9-year-old children in the United States are active on social media, and 40% of their parents are unable to monitor their children's activity on the internet, according to a new survey from the University of Michigan. The survey, conducted from September 2015 to January 2016, found that 40% of parents have a difficult time monitoring their children's internet activity. Parents reported feeling a compulsion that they are unable to monitor their children's activity.

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The odds are even that one out of every six children in this 12-year age group uses apps without parental lock. Whereas the biggest fear of parents is that their children do not visit the wrong websites while being active on social media. This includes porn sites and pornographic websites. Smartphones, laptops and tablets are present in every household in America.

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Tiktok and Instagram most popular among children in America

Often parents give all these gadgets to the children. According to the survey, Tiktok and Instagram are currently the most popular among children in America. These apps contain material that is considered harmful to children. Survey co-ordinator Sarah Clarke said that it is a matter of debate among people in American society at what age and for how long children should be given mobiles and other gadgets. But the danger of social media remains.

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18% of parents do not allow children to run any app

The survey revealed that 18 percent of parents in the age group of 10 to 12 years do not allow their children to run any app. Most parents were also not in favor of allowing children to run social media apps with parental lock.

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