Introducing Meta : What is a metaverse ?

Introducing Meta What's a metaverse? 

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The metaverse is the coming elaboration of social connection. 

What's a metaverse?:CEO Mark Zuckerberg introduced Meta, which brings together our apps and technologies under one new company brand. Meta’s focus will be to bring the metaverse to life and help connect, find communities and grow businesses. 

What's a metaverse? The metaverse is the coming elaboration of social connection 

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The metaverse will feel like a crossbred of moment’s online social exploits, sometimes expanded into three confines or projected into the physical world. It will let you partake immersive exploits with other people indeed when you ca n’t be together — and do goods together you could n’t do in the physical world. It’s the coming elaboration in a long line of social technologies, and it’s steering in a new chapter for our company. Mark shared further about this vision in a author’s letter. 

This time’s virtual event explored what gests in the metaverse could feel like over the coming decade — from social connection, to entertainment, gaming, fitness, work, education and commerce. We also announced new tools to help people make for the metaverse, including Presence Platform, which will enable new mixed reality exploits on Quest 2, and a$ 150-million investment in immersive knowledge to train the coming generation of creators. 

Meta Showcases Prototype Haptic Glove 
 What's a metaverse 

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Metaverse, formerly Facebook, has showcased a prototype of its haptic gloves which would let people feel and interact with virtual objects in the digital space. The Reality Labs disquisition side of Meta is working on the haptic gloves as part of the tech mammoth's drive towards augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)- concentrated Metaverse. The wearable reproduces sensations in virtual worlds analogous as texture, pressure, and vibration. Meta is planning to place the haptic gloves along with a VR headset and make it compatible with AR specs in the future. 

Metaverse on November 16 detailed the work that has gone into developing the haptic gloves as part of its move to enter the metaverse. Meta says its Reality Labs division has been developing the wearable for the formerly seven times. Meta is still not sure about the factual time demanded for the launch of the haptic glove. Erecting these gloves is a challenge which requires contriving entirely new disciplines of scientific disquisition, notes the company. 
The haptic gloves can be paired with a VR headset for online multiplayer games. Also, Meta eyes to use it along with AR specs as well. “ While we're still in the early stages of this disquisition, the thing is to one day brace the gloves with your VR headset for an immersive experience like playing in a concert or poker game in the metaverse, and eventually, they'd work with your AR specs,” said Meta in the blog post. 
As seen in the video shared by Meta, the haptic glove produces wearer sensations that mimic the weight and sense of real objects while handling it in virtual space. The haptic glove prototype is lined with inflatable plastic motors called pickers. These motors placed over the glove move in concert to deliver sensation to the wearer's hand including the fingertips. This is done with the help of microfluidics that controls the headwind that moves the pickers. Meta claims it's erecting the world's first high- speed microfluidic processor for this. 
It's also said to be working on advanced hand- tracking technology to enable the haptic gloves to identify precisely where your hand is in a virtual scene, whether you're in contact with a virtual object, and how your hand is interacting with the object. 
While moving a hand, the haptic renderer sends instructions to the pickers on the hand, predicated on an understanding of goods like the hand's position and parcels of the virtual objects ( analogous as texture, weight, and stiffness) which the hand comes in contact with. 
“ Moment the gloves are made inclusively by professed engineers and technicians who manufacture the subsystems and assemble the gloves largely by hand,” said RL Research Process Architect Katherine Healy in a separate blog post. “ We usesemi-automated processes where we can, but manufacturing these gloves at scale will bear the invention of new manufacturing processes,” she added. 
There are no plans yet for a marketable rollout of the haptic glove. The company said in the blog post, “ While our haptic glove disquisition will remain in the lab for now, we're agitated about the progress we've made and the eventuality it shows for a virtual world you can touch.” 

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