Johnny Depp's duplicate in Iran stumps internet. Watch video

Johnny Depp lookalike in Iran stumps internet. Watch video 

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An Iranian man's striking resemblance to Hollywood actor Johnny Depp has gone viral on social media. The man was attending a religious ceremonial in Tabriz, Iran, when his videotape was captured, and it first appeared on TikTok. The footage was latterly shared on other platforms similar as Reddit, where thousands of people were astounded to see Depp s resemblance.
According to native media, the man s name is Amin Sa les, and he's a model. In the videotape, the man is seen wearing Depp s signature haircut and goatee, as well as matching tones, while sharing in the solemn form. 
Users have also discovered an Instagram account that they believe belongs to Sa les( username@dr. aminsales). It has been swamped with comments about his physical appearance. The account features multitudinous pics of the man from photograph shoots in which he posed as the' Pirates of the Caribbean' star.

Johnny Depp lookalike in Iran

Numerous users suspected in comments on his viral video that he'd fled to Iran after leaving Hollywood following his legal battle with ex-wife Amber Heard. A Reddit user said while opining on the video," He left his ringer back in the countries to wisecrack everybody"." Johnny Duped," added another.

 " He s learning how to forfend off Amber," a third user said. Another Depp lookalike from Stockholm went viral in June and had over 2 million views on TikTok and other spots.

Meanwhile, on the work front, Depp has begun work on his forthcoming movie, in which he'll portray contentious King Louis XV, following his victory in the vilification case against his ex-wife. A French production company debuted its first look last week in the mediaeval love romance' Jeanne du Barry' directed by Maiwenn.

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