How to Get fast AdSense approval in Wordpress website

How can I get google adSense to approve faster?

How to Get fast AdSense Approval for WordPress Websites?
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If you’re using WordPress to run your website, chances are you’ve heard of Google AdSense. Getting AdSense approval for your WordPress website is not as difficult as you might think. This article will guide you on how to get AdSense approval for WordPress websites.

To begin, you will need to create an account with Google. Once your account is set up, log into the Google AdSense website. You can then start to set up your site for AdSense approval.

Begin by customizing the look of your website. Decide which sections of your website you want to show AdSense ads and ads. You can also set the font, text size, and colors of your ads to make them more attractive.

Now, add your Google AdSense code to your website. This can be done by inserting the code into a new HTML page or a new WordPress plugin. Once that’s taken care of, you will need to configure your site's settings so that the ads show up correctly. This includes the size and placement of the ads, as well as their type.

When all of your settings are in place and you have added the code, you will be ready to submit your website for review. Google will verify that your website meets its guidelines for AdSense approval. This process may take several days but usually takes a few days. Once approved, you can start to enjoy the benefits of having Google ads on your website.

Getting AdSense approval for WordPress websites is not difficult, but it does help to be prepared. Take the time to customize and adjust your website for optimal performance, and even do a bit of research about how to set up AdSense on your WordPress website for the best results.

Getting AdSense approval for your WordPress website is a must if you want to monetize your website through Google AdSense. AdSense, the largest online advertising network, offers a wide range of ad formats and provides an easy way to monetize your website.

The process of getting Google AdSense approval for your WordPress website is not complicated, but you need to know some basic guidelines before attempting to get an AdSense account for your website.

Adsense requirements for WordPress website

First and foremost, you need to ensure that your WordPress website meets the following criteria:

• Website should have a good amount of original content;

• You need to know the Google AdSense policies and guidelines;

• You need to have a valid privacy policy and a Terms and Conditions page for your website;

• You need to link to an About Us page;

• You need to have an active contact page;

• You need to have a valid contact form in place;

• You need to have an active contact form that’s easy to find;

• Your website should also contain no offensive, illegal or pornographic material.

Once you have met all of the above criteria, you can then move on to setting up the AdSense account. To do this, you will need to complete an online application.

To get the AdSense application approved, you may be asked to provide some additional information such as traffic numbers, website categories, and website content. You should complete this form based on the truth and accuracy of your website content and provide as much information as possible.

First, you have submitted your application, and it will take several days for the Google team to review it. after your application is approved, you can then access your AdSense account by the Google AdSense website. Once set up, you can start to earn revenue through ads displayed on your website.

How to add Adsense code in WordPress

How to Get fast AdSense Approval for WordPress Websites?
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Are you looking to add AdSense code to your WordPress header and make some passive income from it? You have come to the right place! In this blog post, we are going to discuss how to add AdSense code to the WordPress header and make money from it. Before we start, let’s look at what AdSense is and how it works. AdSense is Google’s advertising network, which allows webmasters and web developers to earn money by displaying targeted advertisements on their sites. These ads are primarily powered by Google’s AdWords program and Google’s advertising network. When a user visits a website with Ads, Google chooses ads from advertisers that are relevant to the content of the website. For every ad that is clicked, the webmaster receives a certain amount of money.

Now that you know what AdSense is let’s get started with adding the code to the WordPress header. The steps mentioned below will help you add an AdSense code to the WordPress header. 

1. log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the Appearance tab.

2. From the Appearance tab, click on Theme Editor.

3. Now, select the header.php file from the list of files.

4. In the header.php file, scroll down to the <head> tag and insert your AdSense code before or after the <head> tag. 

5. Now, click on the Update File button to save the changes.

That’s it! Now, your AdSense code should be showing up in the WordPress header. However, before you go live, be sure to check the code once. Also, keep in mind that each theme has a different structure and therefore, you might have to make adjustments accordingly.

How long time take for AdSense to approve a website?

How to Get fast AdSense Approval for WordPress Websites?
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Are you trying to get your website accepted by AdSense but can't seem to figure out how long the approval process takes? While there's no definitive timeline, getting accepted by AdSense typically takes anywhere from a few days to a week.

Getting your website accepted by AdSense is a critical part of monetizing your website but unfortunately, the approval process isn't a straightforward one. AdSense is stringent about its Acceptable Use Policies and ensures that no questionable content is allowed on its network. As such, it often takes time for websites to be accepted after application to the AdSense program.

Before submitting a website for AdSense's program, you should make sure the website meets all of the company's requirements. Making sure you follow the rules of the program is critical for ensuring that your website gets accepted. AdSense's requirements include the following:

• An optimized content-rich website – Content should be regularly updated and unique with updated images and content.

• An up-to-date privacy policy – This policy should be clearly laid out, with an up-to-date email address or phone number included.

• Properly built website with a secure SSL certificate – All webpages need to be properly built, with no broken links or coding errors.

• Sufficient traffic – Websites need to attract a certain amount of traffic each month before they can be accepted.

Most websites that follow the right steps will eventually get accepted into AdSense's program. However, for an expedited review, you will have to follow certain steps, such as providing additional documentation. To speed up the process, you can also adjust the settings within the application itself.

Generally, most websites will get accepted within a few days. However, there can be some delay if multiple websites are being verified simultaneously, or if more information is needed from AdSense.

It is important to read through the Acceptable Use Policies thoroughly before submitting your website for review. Following AdSense's rules will ensure that your website is accepted into its network in a relatively short time, and you can start taking advantage of its monetizing opportunities. 

So how long does it take for AdSense to approve a website? As previously mentioned, websites typically get accepted in a few days to a week. Giving your website its best chance of getting accepted is key to speeding up the process. Taking the time to make sure that every aspect of your website is in line with AdSense's standards will increase the chances of getting accepted much quicker.

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